Η Sofia Sarri και ο Jannis Anastasakis σε μία μουσική σύμπραξη με βάση τον αυτοσχεδιασμό στα Χανιά


Η Sofia Sarri και ο Jannis Anastasakis  θα παρουσιάσουν μία μουσική σύμπραξη με βάση τον αυτοσχεδιασμό στα Χανιά την Κυριακή, 5 Μαρτιου στις 7 το απόγευμα, στο RIDE cycle culture cafe στην Δασκαλογιάννη 52.

Η είσοδος θα είναι ελεύθερη.

Sofia Sarri

H Σοφία Σαρρή μεγάλωσε στα Χανιά της Κρήτης όπου ξεκίνησε να ασχολείται με τη μουσική στα 16 της παίζοντας σε μια metal μπάντα με άκρατο ενθουσιασμό.

Ξεκινά να αυτοσχεδιάζει τακτικά με την κολεκτίβα των Paracrousis εκτονώνοντας την περιέργεια της για τα όρια της ανθρώπινης φωνής ενώ στη συνέχεια ως μέλος των Night On Earth ενσωματώνεται στην αθηναϊκή indie και πειραματική σκηνή με βασική στέγη το Μικρό Μουσικό Θέατρο. Με τους Night on Earth κυκλοφορούν τον ομώνυμο πρώτο τους δίσκο το 2006. Το 2008 ξεκινούν μια δισκογραφική και συναυλιακή συνεργασία με τον τραγουδοποιό Θανάση Παπακωσταντίνου και κυκλοφορούν το άλμπουμ “Second Hand” με παραγωγό το ίδιο. Παράλληλα συμμετέχει σε μια πληθώρα μουσικών project δοκιμάζοντας τις δυνάμεις της ως performer όπως η a cappella γυναικεία ομάδα, Σανάδες. Οι Σανάδες μαζί με το beatbox ντουέτο των Word of Mouth παρουσιάζουν τη μουσική α καπέλα παράσταση τους, σε πλήθος συναυλιακών χώρων και φεστιβάλ (Ε.Φ, Αθηναΐδα, Μέγαρο Μουσικής, Υιακύνθεια).

Έχει επίσης συνεργαστεί με καλλιτέχνες της εγχώριας σκηνής (Θανάσης Παπακωσταντίνου, Φοίβος Δεληβοριάς, Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου κ.ά.) και συμμετέχει σε γκρουπ και μουσικά σύνολα όπως οι πειραματιστές Luup, το αυτοσχεδιαστικό LYD quartet και οι Borderline Syndrome.

Στις αρχές του 2017 κυκλοφορησε ο πρώτος της προσωπικός δίσκος με δικές της συνθέσεις από την Inner Ear.

Jannis Anastasakis

Jannis Anastasakis was born in 1984. Today he is considered to be in a league of his own as a guitar player in Greece.

His unique, in-depth approach of the guitar as an ambient sound generator, and the extended use of effects and analog synths, results in a very personal sound and delivery, that sets him apart from all other players in his country.

Projects & Collaborations :

2003 : He joined the progressive rock band “Intravenus” and in 2011 they released their first album, titled “Oiseau”

2006 : He started making his own analog guitar effects under the brand “JAM pedals”. JAM pedals today are considered to be one of the best boutique pedal companies in the world with internationally renowned artists using them, including : Bill Frisell, John Scofield, Nels Cline, John Abercrombie, John Medeski, Lee Ranaldo, Dweezil Zappa, Eivind Aarset, David Hidalgo etc…

2012 : Having found his own personal sound and musical direction, he forms his own personal experimental project “Elektronik Meditation”, combining sound and vision, with Deniz Angelaki performing live painting during the concerts. Together, they have released three independent albums titled, “Live CD/DVD”, “Purgatory” and «Vigeland».

2012 : He is playing alongside one of the most renowned songwriters, “Dionysis Savopoulos”, a tribute to the music of Manos Hatzidakis, for a series of concerts all over Greece, including performances at the legendary Herodion theater in Athens, the Megaron concert hall, and the Roman Theater in Patra.

He joins “Christos Thivaios” & the “B-Project”, formed by Vasso Dimitriou, playing the music of Jeff and Tim Buckley as well as Thivaios’ own original compositions.

During the same year, he is also called to join “Haig Yazdjian Group”, with whom they perform all over Greece, Cyprus and abroad. Haig is an internationally acclaimed artist, both as a composer and an oud virtuoso, with collaborations that include Ara Dinkjian and Loreena McKennitt.

sarri 2

2013 : He forms an experimental project with “Thodoris Rellos” (of Mode Plagal), one of the greatest sax players in Greece.

2013 : He organizes and participates in “Deteriorate Sound Festival”, an ambient-noise-experimental festival, in Athens, taking place once a year.

2013 finds him touring with Elektronik Meditation project in Oslo, Norway and in Istanbul, Turkey (Impro Festival).

In 2014 Elektronik Meditation collaborate with Arve Henriksen for a live performance in Athens, Greece and same year they participate in LPM (Live Performers Meeting) in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

In 2015 Elektronik Meditation released a new album, live recorded in Emmanuel Vigeland Mausoleum (Oslo, Norway)

In May 2015 Elektronik Meditation performed live in “Onassis cultural center” in Athens, featuring Thodoris Rellos (sax, flute) and Nikos Sidirokastritis (drums).
Jannis Anastasakis did also an opening act for Ben Frost in his performance in Athens.

Since November 2015 he performs once a month in KET (Athens) for a unique performance called «Sound of Color». Several musicians and visual artists are invited to create an impro audio-visual performance (Harris Labrakis, Nikos Sidirokastrits, Thodoris Rellos, Fotis Siotas, Guido de Flaviis, Giannis Notaras, Floros Floridis, Yorgos Dimitriadis, Erato Tzavara, COM.ODD.OR, Konstantinos Nissidis, Andreas Karaoulanis (Best Before) )

In December 2015 Jannis Anastasakis organized and participated in the 1st Avant-Garde-Guitar Festival in Athens. He also collaborated on stage with Eivind Aarset (Norway).

In January 2016 he collaborated on stage with Antonis Aniseggos for 2 performances.

In March 2016 a new trio is formed with Floros Floridis (reeds, electronics), Jannis Anastasakis (guitar, electronics) and Yorgos Dimitriadis (drums, electronics). The trio did a small tour in Greece and they’re planning to do a release.

He participates on a new album by Stella N.Christou, «NI-KO» which was released in May 2016

In August 2016 he participates in one of the biggest projects happened in Greece, the «634 minutes in a Volcano», where 15 musicians improvised for 10 hours and 34 minutes in Nisyro’s volcano.

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